Jean Laurent Sasportes - Curriculum vitae: timeline all events are connected to an internet link which will lead you to the information about this event on my homepage all teachers and choregraphers names are connected to an internet WIkilink. For more information about those artists just click on the name.
If you are looking for a specific year on the timeline, just ckick on one of the following numbers: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 stil the Big Break and.., 2020… THE BIG BREAK… - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 -2015 - 2014 -2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1996 - 1989 - BEFORE
1952: born in Casablanca (Morocco). 1971: gets his High School Degree (Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du second degré, Série D (Mathématiques and Nature Sciences) and move to France to start his studies at University. 1971/1974: studies Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy at the University of Marseille. 1975: Breaks-off his University studies and begins to study modern-jazz dance with Anne Marie Porras, and modern dance in Paris with Peter Goss. (for more about this, pease click here)
1975 till 1979, studies Modern Dance with Peter Goss, Kei Takei, Alwin Nikolais, and ballet dance with Nina Viroubova and Suzanne Oussov in Paris and Munich.
Since 1979 and till now, solo-dancer in the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre Company, he dances in all repertory pieces through almost all important performing events around the world.
For more information about my work with Pina, please visit:
starts to study and practice Taichi Chuan (Yang Style) ( Japanese : Taikyo Ken) in Wuppertal. Practices TaiChi Chuan till today and includes a lot of this experiences into his « Body awareness and Movement » teaching work. 1983:
starts to study and practice Aikido in Dusseldorf with Master Asai.
J.L. Sasportes starts to study Kinomichi in Paris with Master Noro. He practices Kinomichi till today and include a lot of this experiences into his «Body Awareness and Movement» (now named "Jansan notaiso") teaching work. Since 1991, Jean Laurent Sasportes is certificated Kinomichi teacher, he creates his own Kinomichi Group in Wuppertal, as weel as later (2011) in Tokyo, and teach to his students in both towns since then.
1989: First improvisation performance with the musicians Peter Kowald and Joelle Léandre at the Forum in Wuppertal. That was the beginning of his work “Dancing with Musicians”. Since 1989 J.L.Sasportes worked together with the doublebass player Peter Kowald till September 2002. This will the beginning of his work in improvisation and structured improvisation dance. From then on, he developed this direction of work in collaboration with many other musicians as the musician Hans Reichel-Germany (started in 2000), the violonist Gunda Gottschalk -Germany (started in 2005), the doublebass player Peter Jacquemyn -Belgique (started in 2005), and Joelle Léandre (France), the percusionist and drummers, Gunter Baby Sommer -Germany(started in 2008) and Fritz Hauser -Swissland (started in 2014), the trombonist Paul Hubweber -Germany (started in 2009).
His collaboration with the Japanese musician and composer Tetsu Saitoh started in 2006. Different little dance pieces have been created out of those collaborations,. ( Stock, Security, Diva, Jeune Fille, Money, “let the Trouble come when the Trouble comes”, „Electroshock“, „La Vecchia“ and „Ur“). This Duos work have been and still are presented through many countries around the world under the title : „Short pieces“. (the details of this collaborations work will be find in the brochure « About my work , dancing with Musicians « PDF part 3). As solo dancer and performer on stage with Musicians, Jean Laurent Sasportes has been performing with many other musicians from all parts of the world.
Regularly invited as guest teacher at - the Dance Academy and EDDC in Arnhem, Holland. (from 1996 till 2006) - Festival „Danza und Tanz“ in Rome (since 1999) - Session House dance studio, and the company „Mademoiselle Cinema“ in Tokyo (since 1999) - Toronto, invited by the Newton Moraes dance Company (from 2006) - Master Kazuo Ohno studios in Yokohama, Japan (since 2000) - International Dance Workshop Festival in Kyoto, Japan (since 2000)
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1996, This is the year when J.L.Sasportes decided to stop his contract as permanent solo dancer for the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch to become a guest solo dancer of this company just for the repertory pieces with the intention to start to develop his own work as independant, dancer, actor, choregrapher and teacher. Since September 1996, Jean Laurent Sasportes works as independent dancer, actor, choreographer and teacher.
- choreographer for theatre plays and operas, with the theatre director Yoshi Oida: "Madame de Sade" - Y.Michima (1996) for the Schaubhüne Berlin (Germany).
1997, - choreographer for theatre plays and operas, with the theatre director Yoshi Oida: "Hanjo" - Y.Michima (1997) for the Schaubhüne Berlin (Germany). - Performing as guest solo dancer the whole season through with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (repertory pieces) in Wuppertal and through the world,
1998, - choreographer for theatre plays and operas, with the theatre director Yoshi Oida: "Curlew River" - B.Britten (1998) for the "Festival Art Lyrique Aix en Provence" (France). - Performing as guest solo dancer the whole season through with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (repertory pieces) in Wuppertal and through the world, - works with the students of the Folkwanghochschule in Essen on a choreographic project. The dance-theatre piece „Wumm Wumm, immer...“ will be the result of this project. (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Choreographer « PDF part 4).
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1999, - choreographer for theatre plays and operas, with the theatre director Yoshi Oida: "Rossignol" from Stravinsky and "Le village du Louveteau" book from Zeng Li and Guo Wenjinge for the Opera Leonard de Vinci (Rouen - France (1999)) - Performing the whole season through with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (repertory pieces) and through the world, - works with the students of the „Arnhem Dance Academie and EDDC” in Arnhem, (Holland) on a choreographic project. The dance-theatre piece „Meeting with an Angel“ will be the result of this project. (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Choreographer « PDF part 4). Since 1999, I am also authorized Kinomichi teacher from Master Noro and have a group of work in Kinomichi in Wuppertal (the details of this work will be find in the brochure «About my work, Teaching« PDF part 6).
2000, - beginning of the work in collaboration with the German musician Hans Reichel (daxophon, guitar) (the details of this collaborations work will be find in the brochure « About my work , dancing with Musicians « PDF part 3).. - Performing the whole season through with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (repertory pieces) - Teaching Workshops in Europe and Japan.
2001, starts his work with the theater director B.C. Kosminski and the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus(Germany) as: - Choreographer for the theatre play „Dancer in the Dark“ (a stage version of the film from Lars von Trier). Premiere 21st.October in collaboration with the director Burkhart C. Kosminski and also for the theater play “Kabale und Liebe” from F. Schiller(the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Choreographer « PDF part 4). - Actor in the role of Enrique for the theatre play „39,90“ in the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, directed by Burkhart C. Kosminski. Premiere 21st. November. This play will be showed through the whole season 2001-2002 and 2002 - 2003. (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Dancer and actor « PDF part 2) . - First appearance of „Short Pieces“ (Duo with Peter Kowald) in Canada at the Festival „a Pina Bausch hommage“ in Toronto in October, (the details of this collaborations work will be find in the brochure «About my work, dancing with Musicians« PDF part3.
- Performing the whole season through with the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) - Teach a workshop at the Japan Women College of Physical Education in Tokyo (2001, 2002) - Since 2001, all the year through,and till 2007, teacher for Body consciousness and Movement for the actors of the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus (Dusseldorf, Germany).
2002, Choreography and directing work in collaboration with the choreographer Anne Marie Porras, as well as main role in the dance-theatre piece „Paroles d’Ange“, presented through France at the „Montpellier Dance Festival“ in July 2002. - First appearance of „Short Pieces“ (Duo with Peter Kowald) in the U.S.A. at the Vision Art Festival in New York (June 2002). Unfortunately, a few months later, Peter Kowald will die in New York from a heart attack after a concert. - Performing the whole season through with the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) and, as an actor, in the play 39,90 (Duesseldorf National Theatre) (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as dancer and actor « PDF part 2).
- Leading the «Body and Movement» training for the Düsseldorfer Shauspielhaus Ensemble, (the details of this work will be find in the brochure « About my work , Teaching « PDF part 6).
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2003, His work with the Theater director B.C. Kosminski and the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus(Germany) continues as: - actor in the role of «Osip» for the theater play «Platonov» (Tchekov)./ First on June, 5th at the Duesseldorf National Theatre.(the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Dancer and actor « PDF part 2) - actor in the play 39,90 at the Duesseldorf National Theatre. - choreographer for the theater play «Platonov». (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Choreographer « PDF part 4). - leading the «Body and Movement» training for the Düsseldorfer Shauspielhaus Ensemble. and also performing the whole season through: - with the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) -
with the musician Hans Reichel in the Duo «Short Pieces)
2004, - First work with the theater director Michael Simon for the role of «Djami» in the opera «L’Espace Dernier», written by Matthias Pinschner for the «National Opera Bastille in Paris». (first : February 23rd. 2004), (the details of this collaboration work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as Dancer and actor « PDF part 2) - Start to work with the Japanese double-bass player Tetsu Saitoh (the details of this collaborations work will be find in the brochure «About my work , dancing with Musicians« PDF part 3).. - Performing and choreography for the company “Mademoiselle Cinema” at Session House in Tokyo (8th. and 9th. August) - Work as actor-dancer for the choreographer Caterina Sagna (Italy)for the creation «Heil Tanz» (First,: November 2004) and tour in many French towns. - Choreography for the theatre play « the Cat on a Hot Tin Deck » (from T. Williams) with the director B.C. Kosminski for the Duesseldorferschauspielhaus, in Dusseldorf, Germany and also, still performing the whole season through with: - the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) in Tokyo, and Wuppertal Pina Bausch Festival - the musician Hans Reichel in the Duo «Short Pieces - as an actor in the play 39,90 and the play «Platonov» (Tchekov) at the Duesseldorf National Theatre.
2005, - Choreography for the theatre play « Mythos, Propaganda and Catastrophe in Nazi Germany and today America» (from S.Stevens) with the director B.C. Kosminski for the Duesseldorferschauspielhaus - First performance of Short Pieces with the violinist Gunda Gottschalk in Burgos, Spain, (January) and with the double bass player Pierro Leveratto in Genova (Italy) - Workshop for dancers and actors, "About Andrea Pazienza" for the teatro del Archivolto in Genova (Italie) and also, still performing the whole season through with: - the musician Hans Reichel in the Duo «Short Pieces - « Heil Tanz » with the company « Caterina Sagna » in France, Rome, - as an actor in the play «Platonov» (Tchekov) at the Duesseldorf National Theatre - the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) in London, Anvers, Salzburg, Lissabon and Wuppertal. - the company “Mademoiselle Cinema” in the piece « Tokyo Tango » - Japan Tour. - Leading the «Body and Movement» training for the Düsseldorfer Shauspielhaus Ensemble Jean Laurent Sasportes works in his own studio and performing place, "AdaOben" Wuppertal, Germany. He founded the “Ikonoclastesdance Festival" in Wuppertal Germany in 2005, which takes place the whole season, "First Edition” in 2005/2006.
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2006, - teaching Workshops in Europa (Italy, Holland, Wuppertal) - Workshop project “About Italo Calvino” at the Teatro Modena in Genova (Italy) - Leading the «Body and Movement» training for the Düsseldorfer Shauspielhaus Ensemble in Dusseldorf, Germany, as well for the Mannheim Theatre Ensemble in Mannheim, Germany. - starts his work and collaboration with the Japanese musician Tetsu Saitoh (double-bass), (the details of this collaborations work will be find in the brochure « About my work , dancing with Musicians « PDF part 3). and also, still performing the whole season through with: - the musician Hans Reichel in the Duo «Short Pieces - the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) - the company “Mademoiselle Cinema” in the piece « Tokyo Tango » - Japan Tour. He organize the "Second Edition” of the Ikonoclastes dance Festival which takes place in Wuppertal Germany during the season 2006/2007.
2007, Jean Laurent Sasportes : - works as choreographer for theatre play, with the theatre director Sebastian Baumgarten for the Düsseldorferschauspielhaus (2007), “Europa” a stage version of the movie from Lars von Trier - he founded, and lead as artistic director and choreographer, the dancetheatre company "CafeAda" (based in Wuppertal, Germany) and create in collaboration with Malou Airaudo the dancetheatre piece "Autant en emporte le Temps". and also, still performing the whole season through with: - the musician Tetsu Saitoh in the Duo «Short Pieces, Japan Tour 2007. - the Pina Bausch Company (repertory pieces) - Leading the «Body and Movement» training for the Düsseldorfer Shauspielhaus Ensemble and for the Mannheim TheatreEnsemble. - teaching workshops in Europe (Italy, Wuppertal) and in Japan Jean Laurent Sasportes works in his own studio and performing place, "AdaOben" Wuppertal, Germany. He founded the Dance-Theatre Company “CafeAda” and create the first piece with this company "Autant en Emporte le Temps" . He leads this company as artistic director (the details of this work will be find in the brochure« About my work , the CafeAdaDanceTheatre« PDF part 5). He founded the “Ikonoclastes dance Festival" in Wuppertal Germany in 2005, which takes place the whole season, "First Edition” in 2005/2006 and "Second Edition” in 2006/2007, the third edition is to come in 2008.
2008, Jean Laurent Sasportes: - leads the Body and Movement Training for the Theatre Company of the Mannheim Theatre Ensemble (Mannheim, Germany) - choreographer for the Theatre Company of the Mannheim Theatre Ensemble (Mannheim, Germany) - performance of Café Müller and “Palermo,Palermo” with the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre in London Saddler’s Wells (February), Tokyo (March), Lisbon – Portugal (Mai), Barcelona – Spain (September), Wuppertal (October), Dusseldorf (November). - Japan Tour 2008 (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Hikone, Nagoya, Yugawara) with the musician Tetsu Saitoh and the musician Olivier Manoury (bandoneon), the Trio Chie no wa in the new performance «Remembering Astor Piazzolla » - first performance of «Short Pieces» with the german musician Günter Baby Sommer (drums, percussions) at the first Internationales Tanztheater Festival in Erfurt (Germany). - first performance with the german musician Paul Hubweber (trombone) at the Klappsthzle festival in Wuppertal (Germany) - is nominated Professor at the Tokyo Tech University for the “Center for World Civilisations”, and leads the Workshop “introduction to Dance and Choreography, a Meeting between Dance and Science”.
Since 2008,
Jean Laurent Sasportes works in his own studio and performing place, "AdaOben" Wuppertal, Germany. He founded the Dance-Theatre Company “CafeAda” in 2007 and leads this company as artistic director (the details of this work will be find in the brochure « About my work , as CafeAdaDanceTheatre« PDF part 5). The third Edition of the “Ikonoclastes Dance Festival" in Wuppertal Germany which was founded in 2005, took place on the 17, 18, 19 of October 2008 (twelve different pieces in three days event).
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2009, - second creation for the CafeAda Dance-Theatre Company, «On Verra» in collaboration with Mark Sieczkarek, René Alejandro Huari Mateus and Damian Shönneberg as dancers and, Malou Airaudo as artistic adviser. This piece was presented for the first time on February 12. and 13th. in CafeAdaOben and will be presented in the same place on May 14th. at the NRW09 dance Festival. - First improvisation with the russian musician Arkady Shillkloper in collaboration with Tony Craag, at the Tony Craag Skulpturenpark in Wuppertal (Germany), April 2009 ) - «Short Pieces» in Lecce (Italy) for the Dance Festival «La Francia si muove), April 2009, with the trombonist Paul Hubweber, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Italy. - «Short Pieces» in Bogota (Columbia) for the Dance Festival «Impulsos», August 2009, with the double-bass player Tetsu Saitoh, in collaboration with the Goethe Institut in Columbia. - first work with the opera director Julia Heabler as dancer in the role of Faust for the production «Faust 2» with the Bremen Kammer Philharmonic, Dominique Horvitz, Etta Scolla and the 300 schoolchildren of the GSO in Bremen (Germany, June 2009) - still performing (repertory pieces) with the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre: (Wuppertal, Sao Paulo) - still permanent guest teacher at: the Mannheim national theatre for the «Body and Movement training for the theatre company. the TokyoTech University (Center for the Studies of the World Civilisations) in Tokyo as Professor for Modern dance. the Session House Summer Dance Academy in Tokyo, as Headmaster.
- Creation of a new dance-theatre piece «Rowing the Boat of Mimosa», April 2010 in PolePole (Tokyo). - First European Tour for Tetsu Saitoh and Jean Laurent Sasportes with «Short Pieces» and «improvisation Work» (Wuppertal, Essen) - Mai-June 2010. - Creation of a new Dance-theatre Piece «The Waltz of Life», August 2010 at Session House (Tokyo) with the Summer Academy students of the Session House. In a next future, this piece will be reworked with a professional cast and presented to the Japanese public.
- working as director for the new music-theatre piece of the company Théâtre du Pain, «Revoluzzion»; premiere in December at the Cafe Ada, Wuppertal (Germany).
- guest teacher for the «Stadtklangnetz Konferenz», 30 and 31 st. October 2010 in Cologne. - still performing (repertory pieces) with the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre: (Wuppertal, Seoul, Lyon, Monaco) - still permanent guest teacher at: the Mannheim national theatre for the «Body and Movement training for the theatre company. the TokyoTech University (Center for the Studies of the world Civilisations) in Tokyo as Professor for Modern dance. the Session House Summer Dance Academy in Tokyo, as Headmaster.
- the fourth Edition of the Dance Festival Ikonoclaste, this time in collaboration with the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre, take place in Cafe Ada Oben in January and February 2011. - March 2011: Tour in Honk-Kong with the Tanztheater Pina Bausch with the piece «Carnation» - March 2011: Asian Tour 2011, in Duo with the musician Tetsu Saitoh. Because of the dramatic earthquake which occurred on the 11th. of March, this tour has been delayed to April, but two performances were performed through the following situation: musicians in Tokyo and Dance in Wuppertal relayed through Skype connection with screen projection in Tokyo.
- April 2011: work with the students of the Center of Studies of the World Civilisations (department of the Tokyo Institute of Technology) - April 2011: «Looking for Kenji» the first version of a new creation with the musicians Tetsu Saitoh and Naoki Kita, inspiration of the work of the Japanese poet and writer Kenji Miyazawa for the Center of Studies of the World Civilisations of the Tokyo Institue of Technology.
- Mai 2011: first Korean Tour for the Duo Jean Laurent Sasportes / Tetsu Saitoh - June 2011: «99 Bilder in Bergischesland» a video installation project from and with the video artist Kai Fobbe. - August 2011: Revival of the piece «Tokyo Tango» with the company «Mademoiselle Cinema» (created by Naoko Ito and J.L. Sasportes in 2005) for the twenty years anniversary of the Dace Academy «Session House» in Tokyo.
- September/October 2011: performance with the Pina Bausch Tanztheatre in Weimar (Germany), Warschau (Poland), Wuppertal (Germany), Nîmes (France). - December 2011: Beginning of the new Creation of the Cafe Ada Dance-theater «Looking for Kenji, the second version», this piece should be presented in March 2012 in Wuppertal.
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2012, - Presentation of the video installation work "99.Bilder Bergisches Land". created by Kai Fobbe. January 2012. - second European Tour with the musician Tetsu Saitoh (Japan): - "Pas de Quatre" is presented at the Dance Festival "Les Hivernales d Avignon" (France), in March 2012. - "Duo with Tetsu" is performed in "Le Ring" Toulouse (France) in March 2012. - with the musicians Tetsu Saitoh and Naoki Kita, the final version of the new piece: «Looking for Kenji» with his company "Cafe Ada Dance-theatre » a the Cafe Ada (Wuppertal - Germany), in March 2012. - Performance with the Wuppertal Pina Bausch Tanztheater (Wuppertal, Paris, London). - Japan Tour 2012 with the musician Tetsu Saitoh, and many other japanese artist (Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba). guest teacher at: - the Mannheim National theatre for the «Body and Movement training for the theatre company. - the TokyoTech University (Center for the Studies of the World Civilizations) in Tokyo as Professor for Dance and performing Art. - the Session House in Tokyo, as Headmaster for the Summer Dance Academy the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany).
- the Tanzhaus in Dusseldorf (class for professionals).
For the Japanese television NHK, and with the famous Japanese actress and singer Mari Natsuki, «Tabi no Chikara» a directed documentary film for the documentary serie «Tabi no Chikara». A documentary about the work with a choreographer in the line of Pina Bausch dance-theater .
2013, - choreography work for the opera «Tannhauser» (R.Wagner) for the Deutsch Oper am Rhein in Dusseldorf (Germany) in collaboration with the director B.C.Kosminski.
- Performance with the Wuppertal Pina Bausch Tanztheater Tanztheater (Wuppertal, Taipe, Goeteborg, Paris, Bordeaux, Naples)
- Japan Tour February 2013 (teaching, performance with Tetsu Saitoh and other japanese artist).
- Japan Tour August 2013 with «Eurasian Echoes» new production from Tetsu Saitoh.
- New creation, «Looking for Songs, an Operita» at PolePole (Tokyo) from Chie Inui, music composition Tetsu Saitoh (first in Japan).
Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work named «Jansantaiso» at:
- the Mannheim National theatre for the «Body and Movement training for the theatre company. - the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany). - In Tokyo, at the Session House Dance Studio, and the Izuruba Studio. - The Summer Camp «La Luna» (Ancona-Italy)
- Wuppertal.
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2014, - January 2014, «Looking for Songs, an Operita» (final version) is presented at Triphony Hall in Tokyo for the first time and followed by a tour through Japan (Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, Ookayama, Iwakuni).
Story, texte and poems are written by Chie Inui, the music is composed by Tetsu Saitoh, interpretation by Tetsu Saitoh (double-bass), Naoki Kita (violin), Junko Saito (vocal), Olivier Manoury (bandoneon), dance and choreography, Jean Sasportes. - Performance with the Wuppertal Pina Bausch Tanztheater (Wuppertal, London, Paris, Anvers)
- Japan Tour April 2014 (teaching, performance with Tetsu Saitoh and other japanese artist).
- Improvisation performance for the first time with the drummer and percussionist Fritz Hauser (Swissland) for the Jubileum Festival 10 Years Exploratorium Berlin (Mai 2014).
- Choregraphical work for the theatre piece « Kirchgarten » A. Tchekov, for the director Burhard C. Kosminski at the National Theatre Mannheim (Mai 2014).
- Germany Tour with the japanese dancer Ryotaro Yahagi, the japanese musician Tetsu Saitoh, the german musician Wolfgang Suchner (Tuba) and the german accordionist Ute Völker in Wuppertal, Köln, Bochum and at the D.I.S.(Dortmund Inklusiv Soundfestival) (September 2014). This project was supported by the Japan Foundation. - Performing in the performance « Blues Brothers Revisited » at the D.I.S. (September 2014). First collaboration works in the psychiatry: - In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique de Saumery » in Blois - France, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance. - In collaboration with the Center for Autism in Wuppertal (Germany), I started a work with patient. This work is based as first step in the observation of the movements that this kind of patient are doing with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication.
Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work named «Jansannotaiso» at:
- the Mannheim National theatre for the «Body and Movement training for the theatre company.
- the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany). In Japan: in Tokyo, at the Session House Dance Studio, and at the Izuruba Studio, and at Studio Mokera in Asahikawa.
In Italy, at The Summer Camp «La Luna» (Ancona-Italy), and the « Palermo in Danza » Summer Dance Festival in Palermo. Wuppertal. ----------------------------------------------
2015, (Link not ready yet, sorry!)
Choreography for Dance-theater, Theatre and Theatre Directing: - February 2015: Choreographic work with the actors of the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus (Dusseldorf) for the piece «Mord» (Theaterstück in drei Akten und einem Epilog / Aus dem Hebräischen von Matthias Naumann / Im Rahmen der Jüdischen Kulturtage im Rheinland 2015) with the director Dedi Baron. - September 2015: Choreographic and directing work for the piece« Romeo and Julia » (W. Shakespeare) in Wuppertal (director Robert Sturm). (August/September). First on September 11th. - October 2015: Directing the new piece of Theatre du Pin, « Tam Tam ». First in Haus der Jungen in Wuppertal October 17th.. - November 2015: Choreographic work for the theatre piece «An und Aus » (Schimmerpfennig), for the director Burkhard C. Kosminski at the National Theatre Mannheim. - December 2015: Choreographic work with the actors of the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus (Dusseldorf) for the piece «Joseph und Maria»(theatre piece from Peter Turrini) with the director Alexander Kubelka. First Dezember 2nd. Performing: - Tour with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (Taipei in March, London in April). - Japan Tour-1: with Tetsu Saitoh and guests in Tokyo (from March 11th. to March 29th.) - Japan Tour-2: with Tetsu Saitoh and guests in Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, Asahikawa, (from May 17th. to June 8th.) - Improvisation performance with Anna Lisa Derossi and Jens Duppe in Konzertreihe Kommunikation 9. Teaching: - Dance and Improvisation Workshop in Berlin (Exploratorium Berlin) in February. - Dance and Kinomichi Workshop in Tokyo (Izuruba Studio, Session House Dance Studio,)
- Dance and Jansannotaiso in Tokyo at Noriko’s Actors Studio, Miyuki’s Actors Studio, and in Hokkaido at Studio Red Berry in Sapporo, and at Studio Mokera in Asahikawa.(March and May 2015) Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work method named «Jansannotaiso» at: - the Mannheim National theatre (Germany). - the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany). - In Italy, at The Summer Camp «La Luna» in Ancona-Italy (July 2015), and the « Palermo in Danza » Summer Dance Festival in Palermo-Italy. (September 2015) The collaboration works in the psychiatry, started in 2014. This new field keeps on its development: - In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique de Saumery » in Blois - France, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance. - In collaboration with the Center for Autistism of Wuppertal, I started a work with patient. This work is based as first step in the observation of the movements that this kind of patient are doing with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication.
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2016, (Link not all ready yet, sorry!)
Choreography for Dance-theater, Theatre and Theatre Directing: - January 2016: Choreographic and directing work with the actors of the Teatro Bondi in Palermo (Italy)for the piece «Kean», Passione e Seduzione (Michele Perriera) with the director and actor Lolo Franco. 15. January. - March 2016: New Choreographic Creation work about the theme « Selfies ». Under the direction of Christophe Rodatz and Wolfgang Suchner including three physically challenged actors. - Mai 2016: « Mein Schloß »: New choreographic creation work about the theme autism. This work is a project for the « Center for Autismus » in Wuppertal, directing and choreography: Jean Laurent Sasportes. - November 2016: Beginning of a new choreographic creation work about the mathematician « Boltzmann » and his work. This work is a project for the University of Mathematic of Wuppertal under the initiativ of Professor Barbara Ruediger-Mastandrea. - December 2016: Beginning of the choreographic and visual directing work in collaboration with the director Burkhard Kosminski and the actors of the National Theatre of Mannheim. For the last work of Roland Schimmelpfennig « Das Grosse Feuer » which will be presented as world premiere in National Theatre Mannheim on January 22nd. 2017.
Performing: - Tour with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (Paris in May and in September, Berlin in December). - October 2016: Japan Tour (performance at PolePole -Tokyo, performance at Kid Ailack Hall-Tokyo).
Teaching - Dance and Improvisation Workshop in Berlin (Exploratorium Berlin) in June. - Dance and Composition Workshop in Bonn (Pina Bausch Foundation) in June. - Dance and Composition Workshop in Ancona (Summer Camp «La Luna») in July. - Jansannotaiso and Kinomichi at Izuruba (Tokyo) in October.
Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work method named «Jansannotaiso» at: - Aïkido Schule Wuppertal - the Mannheim National theatre (Germany). - the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany). The collaboration works in the psychiatry, started in 2014. This new field keeps on its development: - In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique de Saumery » in Blois - France, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance. - In collaboration with the Center for Autism of Wuppertal, I started in 2014 a work with residents of the P.L.G.. This work was based as first step in the observation of the movements that people affected fro autism do, with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication. It deveopped in bringing those personns to enjoy movement and dance as far as there trouble could allow it. A dnce theatre piece named "My Castle" has been the porduct of this work. My Castle is not performed by personns affected from Autism but I prefered to have professionnal dancers and musicians on stage to express about this subject.
For more detailed information about those different works and collaboration, please download the other Brochure from my Homepage Thank you
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2017, (Link not all ready yet, sorry!)
Choreography for Dance-theater, Theater and Theater Directing:
- January 2017 - Mannheim: The choreographic and visual directing work in collaboration with the director Burkhard Kosminski and the actors of the National Theatre of Mannheim for the last work of Roland Schimmelpfennig « Das Grosse Feuer » has been presented as world premiere in National Theatre Mannheim on January 22nd. 2017. - March 2017 - Wuppertal: Beginning of the choreographic and visual directing work in collaboration with the director Robert Sturm for the theatre production « Don Quijote », an adaptation of the book written by Cervantes. This is the second production that I work with Robert Sturm (« Romeo and Julia » in 2015). It will be presented in the Riedel Hall in Wuppertal on Mai 11th. - April 2017: - « Mein Schloß »: Revival of the choreographic creation work from 2016 about the theme autism. This work is a project for the « Center for Autismus » in Wuppertal, directing and choreography: Jean Laurent Sasportes. Two performances in « Haus der Jugend » in Wuppertal on April 26th. and 27th. - September 2017: - Düsseldorf: choreographic work with the director Bernadette Sonnenbichler for the play "Fabian oder Der gang vor die Hunde" von Erich Kästner, Premiere on 14-10-2017 in Central, Grösse Bühne. This is a procuction of the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus.
Performing: - Tour with the Tanztheatre Pina Bausch (Hamburg in January). - Japan Tour with Tetsu Saitoh (August 2017)
Teaching - Dance and Improvisation Workshop in Berlin (Exploratorium Berlin) in March. - Dance and Composition Workshop in Ancona (Dance Academy «La Luna») in Mai. - Jansannotaiso and Kinomichi in Japan: Osaka, Kyoto, Iinuyama, Omachi, Nagano, Hokkaido and at Izuruba (Tokyo) in August.
Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work method named «Jansannotaiso» at: - Aïkido Schule Wuppertal - the Mannheim National theatre (Germany). - the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany).
The collaboration works in the psychiatry, started in 2014. This new field keeps on its development: - In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique de Saumery » in Blois - France, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance.
- In collaboration with the Center for Autism of Wuppertal, I started in 2014 a work with residents of the P.L.G. Those persons are persons suffering from diverse difficulties due to autism. This work was based as first step in the observation of the movements that people affected from autism do, with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication. It developped in bringing those persons to enjoy movement and dance as far as there trouble could allow it. A dance theatre piece named "My Castle" has been the product of this work. « My Castle » is the title of this dance-theatre piece. Since most of residents from the PLG. are severe autism affected people, there are no residents in the cast of« My Castle ». This piece is performed by professional dancers and musicians.
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in2018, (Link not all ready yet, sorry!)
Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
- January 2018: Presentation of the new choreographic work « Am Anfang war das Chaos » (At the Beginning was Chaos), a « Tanztheatre Vortrag » (Lecture Demonstration) about the Mathematician Ludwig Boltzmann and his work. This is a coproduction with the Bergisches Universität of Wuppertal, under the concept, initiative and collaboration of Professor Barbara Ruediger Mastandrea, director of the department of Stochastic. The stage directing and choreography was made by Jean Laurent Sasportes.
First on January 12th., second performance on January 13th. in the « Immanuel Kirche » in Wuppertal. This piece received a standing ovation at both of the evenings and will be performed again i 2019 in Wuppertal and on tour in German and Europe. A video filmed version is planned for the coming season.
- Mai/June 2018: « Mein Schloß » (My Castle), Revival Performances of the choreographic creation work about the theme autism. This work is a project for the « Center for Autismus » in Wuppertal, directing and choreography: Jean Laurent Sasportes. The first of this new creation was on the May 6th.2016. This piece will be performed in Köln (May 17th.) and Bonn (June 5th.), in Germany.
Both performances received as well a standing ovation reception from the public. Further tour in France, Germany and Japan are planned for the coming season 2109.
- July 2018: Presentation of a new piece « Die 10 Gebote des Clowns » (the Ten Rules of the Clowns) on 30/06, 01/07, 12/07, and 14/07 in Wuppertal (Germany). This is a Music-Theatre performance for Chord Ensemble, tuba, bass, percussion and 4 clowns. The initiative, concept and musical composition of this project is from the musician and composer Gunda Gottschalk.
Stage directing and choreography: Jean Laurent Sasportes, as well as performing as one of the clowns.
Big success for this performance at Riedle Halle V in Wuppertal. We hope to find the possibility to present this piece again in various towns during the coming season.
- December 2018: Beginning of a new Choreographic and co-direction work for the theatre piece « Menschenfeind » with the director Bernadette Sonnenbichler for the National Theater of Stuttgart. The first will be presented on January 13th. 2019
- April 26th.:Performance with the musicians Audrey Chen (CHN/USA) – vc | Lê Quan Ninh (F) – perc | and Jean Laurent Sasportes (F) – dance at the Berlin Exploratorium (Berlin, Germany)
- Mai 5th.: Performance with the dancer Birgit Gunzl , the musician Jens Düppe - Schlagzeug, and the painter Walter Padao - Live-Painting at the WELTKUNSTZIMMER, Dusseldorf This is a production from KOMMUNIKATION 9
- June 30th.: Improvisation Performance with the dancers and musicians cast of « Mein Schloss » in Gladbeck.
- November: Performance with the saxophonist Yves Charuet (Montreal, Canada) in Germany.
- Dance and Improvisation Workshop in Berlin (Exploratorium Berlin) in April 2018.
Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work method named «Jansantaiso» at: - Aïkido Schule Wuppertal
- the Mannheim National theatre (Germany).
- the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany).
The collaboration works in the psychiatry, started in 2014. This new field keeps on its development:
- In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique du Centre, Saumery » in Blois - France (Doctor Amaro de Villanova and doctor Antine Fontaine, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance in the clinic.
On June 17th., the Clinic of Saumery will celebrate its 80th. birthday. A short dance-theatre presentation was showed for this celebration.
- In collaboration with the Center for Autism of Wuppertal, I started in 2014 a work with patient. This work is based as first step in the observation of the movements that this kind of patient are doing with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication.
— For more detailed information about those different works and collaboration, please download the other Brochure from my Homepage Thank you
(Link not all ready yet, sorry!)
Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing: - January/February 2019: new choreographic and co-direction work for the theatre piece « Menschenfeind » (von Moliere) with the director Bernadette Sonnenbichler for the Theater of Stuttgart. The first will be presented on February 23rd. 2019
- August 2019: choreographic work for the theatre piece "Die Emtpörten" (The Oustrageous) writen by Theresia Walser, with the theater director Burkhard Kosminski, for the Theater of Stuttgart. The first will be presented on August 18th. 2019 at the "Theater Festspiel von Salzburg in Austria.
- December 2019: will be soon actualised - Unfortunately, « Mein Schloß » (My Castle): will not be performed in 2019. Some revival performances of this choreographic creation work about the theme autism are planed for April 2020 in Berlin and Postdam. This work is a project for the « Center for Autismus » in Wuppertal, directing and choreography: Jean Laurent Sasportes. The first of this new creation was on the May 6th.2016. In 2018, this piece was performed in Köln (May 17th.) and Bonn (June 5th.), in Germany.
Teaching: - Dance and Improvisation Workshop in Berlin (Exploratorium Berlin) on March 29th., 30th., and 31st. - Dance and Composition Workshop in Ancona (Summer Camp «La Luna») in July (8th. to 13th.). - Dance and Composition Workshop in Tokyo (Izuruba Studio) Still teaching modern dance, Kinomichi and his own body work method named «Jansantaiso» at: - Aikido Schule Wuppertal - the Dusseldorfer Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany). - Dance and Composition Workshop in Wuppertal: The dates are not fixed yet, but I have the intention to start again my teaching as modern dance teacher in Wuppertal. Also with the intention to maybe start a new work and develop some all ready presented works. The collaboration works in the psychiatry, started in 2014. This new field keeps on its development: - In collaboration with the director and the medical team of the « Clinique de Saumery » in Blois - France, I started to develop an experimental department for Dance-theatre for mentally diminished patient (October 2014). This project is a long term project with the goal to create a dance department including all allocations for teaching, rehearsals and performance in the clinic. - In collaboration with the Center for Autism in Wuppertal, I started in 2014 a work with patient. This work is based as first step in the observation of the movements that this kind of patient are doing with the idea to give them the possibility to develop another language of expression and of communication. For the moment there is one session a week in program. The Clinic of Saumery did celebrate its 80th. birthday. A dance-theatre with the title "My Castle" has been showed for this celebration in 2017, and is now part of my repertory.
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Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
- February 2020: choreographic work for the theatre piece « Weltwärts » written by Noah Haidle , with the theater director Burkhard Kosminski, for the Theater of Stuttgart. The first will be presented on February 20th. 2020 at the Stuttgart Schauspielhaus
From March 9th., because of the Corona Virus Pandemic all the following planned works have been cancelled and delayed to an unknown date: THE BIG BREAK…
- March 30th: "Mein Schloss", a dance-theatre piece about Autism, should have been performed in Berlin at Pfefferberg Theatre - April 1st.: "Mein Schloss" a dance-theatre piece about Autism,should have been performed in Postdam at T-Werk Theatre - July 2020: « Moby Dick », new choreographic and co-direction work for the theatre piece « Moby Dick » with the director Robert Sturm. This will be the third work with Robert. It will be a free production, performed at the Riedel Hall in Wuppertal. The first should have been presented on June 2020
- July 2020: apart of my work as choreographer and co.director for the theatre piece « Moby Dick » with the director Robert Sturm., I will be performing and dancing too in this piece. It will be performed at the Riedel Hall in Wuppertal. The first should have been presented on June 2020
- October 2020, 11th.: Improvisation performance with the medieval Music Ensemble of Burkhard in Konstanz
- December 2020: « Pourquoi pas ? » new dance-theatre.-music production of Ute Volker. Premiere in Wuppertal, December 5th.
Teaching: Since all public class have been cancelled, I started an open daily « Jansannotaiso on line » class through videoconference as well as Kinomichi class on line three days a week. It happen to be an opportunity for many of my students from other countries (Japan, France, Italy, and many towns in Germany) to follow my classes. So we have a very International daily meeting
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First, still THE BIG BREAK…then ??
Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
- September 2021: « Moby Dick », new choreographic and co-direction work for the theatre piece « Moby Dick » with the director Robert Sturm. This will be the third work with Robert. It will be a free production, performed at the Riedel Hall in Wuppertal. The first should have been presented on June 2020, and we are planning to be able to present it in September 4th. Nine more performances will follow (September, 4th., 5th., 7th., 8th., 10th., 12th., 17th. 18th., and 19th.) Apart of my work as choreographer and co.director for the theatre piece « Moby Dick » with the director Robert Sturm., I will be performing and dancing too in this piece. It will be performed at the Riedel Hall in Wuppertal.
- "Mein Schloss", a dance-theatre piece about Autism, should have been performed in Berlin at Pfefferberg Theatre and at Postdam at T-Werk Theatre. Those performances are unfortunately cancelled, and are now planned for June 2022.
Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
March 2022:
Barbara Ruediger, Ralf Silberkuhl and myself have been working on the project of a remastered version of our dancetheatre work «At the Beginning was the Chaos» with the creation of two or three additional scene. This remastered work has been presented in March 2022 at the INSEL -Cafe ADA in Wuppertal. In second part of this program, a conference about Boltzmann and our work has been proposed with the presence of an eminent scientific.
The project of realisation of a filmed version of this show is also at work, and if the financial support allows it, we will develop this project to an artistic documentary about Boltzmann, his life and his work.
April 2022, 8th. and 9th. : « Mein Schloss » (My Castle) at Pfefferberg Theatre in Berlin. For this performance, since Chrystel Guillebaud and Kenji Takagi were not available for those dates, we had the pleasure to have Sophia Otto and Faris Saleh to replace them.
August 22nd. till September 17th.: « Beyond the Sea » a Japan Tour. This Tour was a coproduction and co-organisation between Wuppertal Jumpingfish Group and Eri Fukahori and her Performance Group « Holidays ». During this tour we could present "My Castle" at Theatre KAI in Tokyo, "Entre-temps au Grenier" at Izuruba (Tokyo), and many improvisation evenings with japanese musicians, as well as workshops in Tokyo.
Teaching: Since all public class have been cancelled all ready from April 2020, I started an open daily « Jansannotaiso on line » class through videoconference as well as Kinomichi class on line four days a week. This proposition continues through 2021, and will certainly remain even after the Corona Pandemic restrictions. So, life teaching and Video Zoom teaching will be propose at the same time because I noticed that it happen to be an opportunity for many of my students from other countries (Japan, France, Italy, and many towns in Germany) to follow my classes. So we will have a very International daily meeting.
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Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
Mai 2023, 2nd to 6th.: Workshop Labor about « Palermo » (a piece from Pina Bausch) Together with the dancer Julie Shanahan. This was a collaboration project between the Pina Bausch Foundation and the Folkwangschule of Essen, for the 3rd. And 4th. year students of the Essen Folkwangschule. June 2023, Project « Propeller Freie -2 » A project directed by Konstantin Wienstroer, bassist. Multimedia project of a dance improvisation (Jean Laurent Sasportes and Benedicte Billet) with the musicians Konstantin Wienstroer (Bass), Jürgen Dahmen (Fender Rhodes), and Dirk Leibenguth (drums). The video shooting and realisation is made by Jurgen Hille.
Teaching: Since all public class have been cancelled all ready from April 2020, I started an open daily « Jansannotaiso on line » class through videoconference as well as Kinomichi class on line four days a week. This proposition continues through 2021, till now in 2024. So, life-teaching and Video Zoom teaching is proposed at the same time because I noticed that it happen to be an opportunity for many of my students from other countries (Japan, France, Italy, and many towns in Germany) to follow my classes. So we will have a very International daily meeting. After three years of tis experience, I can tell that it works well. Of course video conference-class are not to compare with life-classes, but it is much better as nothing at all, and it is interesting to notice how the group spirit open to both in a very nice way.
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Choreography for Dance Theatre, Theatre and Theatre Directing:
January 2024, 27th & 28th: Premiere of "Neues aus Samaschaß" the last production of Theatre du Pain,
February 2024, 28th & 29th.: Premiere of "Die Tochter", a theatreplay written and directed by Hans König ( a coproduction with the Schauspielhaus of Bremen)
June 2024, Working as mentor for the Tanzthetre Pina Bausch company for the piece "Viktor" in Wuppertal
July 2024, performing in the piece "About Cafe Müller" with the Tanzthetre Pina Bausch company at Avignon Festival
August 23rd. till September 9th., "Borderless, Japan Tour 2024", including two project: - one week at Seiryo Kaian (Tokyo), workshop and two performances of "Waiting for You" please click here - one week at Izuruba Srtudio (Tokyo), workshop and improvisation performances with Benedicte Billet, Ryotaro Yahagi, and Musicians from Japan - please click here
October 28th. to November 2nd., As representativ of the Pina Bausch Foundation, Workshop and Screening moderation at Sharjah Performing Arts Academy ( - City - University City - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates.
November 15th. to Npvember 24th.: Teaching Wrokshop Kinomichi at Rio de Janeiro at Christiana Calvalcanti Dojo (Rampa, Lugar de Criação-Rio de Janeiro. -
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